Monday, February 11, 2013

The Port Family

This is a view from the Camp Creek community. This view belongs to the Port Kitties. Rambo, Pepper, and Autumn. I get to care for these sweet kitties when their parents go on vacation. I get to see this view while the kitties eat. The are so good to take care of. Autumn is the Alpha Cat, she rules the house. Pepper is a bit shy and likes to play hid and seek, well at least the hid part of it. Once I find her she likes to get a pat and scratch on the head. Rambo is the newest addition to the family and he is very sweet and loves attention. He likes to play and chase toys. I really enjoy taking care of them. They have loving and caring parents and they are great to work for. 



I hope you enjoy this View from a Dog Walker


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pet Products

I know it has been a few days since my last entry, I am sorry for that. I have been quite busy for the past week. And time flies when you are having fun. I usually have more of a slow down in the month of January and February but I have been busier than normal which is good for business. I have added several clients in the past year and it has been a great year. I look forward to adding more clients and working for all of my current clients.

I want to share some new products that I have come across while browsing the internet and that other's have shared with me.

FurCodes are pet tags infused with highly sophisticated, yet simple to use technology. Each FurCode tag contains unique Quick Response (QR) bar-code embedded on one side (AKA Heads) and a unique alphanumeric code on the other (AKA Tails). Scan a FurCode with a Smartphone’s QR code reader or enter the tag ID on our Web site and it instantly renders your Pet’s profile page. 

Your pet’s profile displays only the information you decide.

With PetHub, you will have peace of mind that your pets will be protected with our QR code pet tags. If your pet goes missing, anyone with a smart phone can scan their tag, view your pet's profile and get in contact with you.

I think that both of these products are great ideas along with micro chipping of course these products only work if your pet wears a collar and does not lose it or the tag on it, if they get lost or stolen. Micro Chipping is the way to go for a better chance at recovery. Hopefully someday micro with GPS locator will be more widely available and affordable. 

Thanks for letting me share this View of a Dog Walker. 
