Friday, February 14, 2014

New Year Blog

With the new year, I am going to get back to my blog page, it has been way too long since I posted last. I had a very busy year end, I took a second job working for Gifts for Kids a non profit organization in Greene County. It kept me very busy and of course the pet sitting was in high gear for the holidays. I apologize in the lack of posts but promise to be better. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. I don't know about everyone else but I am so ready for warmer weather. I am over these winter blues. All I want to do is hibernate.

With that I have picked up in the pet sitting, adding 2 new clients this month. I so enjoy my job and I always look forward to meeting new clients. Of course I love taking care of the clients I already have. 

I have had a few clients last year that lost loved pets. I wish each of them condolences and I will miss each of those wonderful babies. 

I look forward to a successful year and growing the business. I want to wish each of you a wonderful year and look forward to seeing all my "kids".

Views of a Dog Walker. 

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