Saturday, August 16, 2014

All purpose command "off"

The earlier you can teach your dog the OFF command the better. You will be glad that your dog understands its meaning. If taught correctly, the word "off" tells your dog to remove herself from the present situation.  She must either get down from the couch or bed, or get away from you or our out of your face if she is giving unwanted licks or get off your lap if you've had enough cuddle time.

In some sensitive and well trained dogs, it is sufficient just to stare at the dog and say her name followed by the command, such as "Sadie, off!" Wait 3 to 5 seconds for the dog to get the hang of it and try to figure out the intention of your stare and grim face. Because this often causes dogs occupying a subordinate role to become even more submissive, the off-stare is sometimes met with facial licking, which is just the opposite of what you want.

However, if you become more firm in saying the command, she should try the next strategy, which is to remove herself from the situation. At that point, praise her: " GOOD GIRL!" The more times you try this, the more quickly she will pick up on it. But don't over do  the command because your dog may develop a habit of staying away from you as her M.O. which is certainly not what you want.

So use the command sparingly, and only when you want the dog to move away from you or down from someplace she is not supposed to be. Make sure that when you praise her for obeying, you add a nice social reinforcement, such  as petting, to let her know that you still love her, but that it was the behavior you did not want her to do.

Because it's the behavior you are influencing in your dog when you say, "off!" you may reinforce it in dogs who do not respond to a stare or the grim command by gently but firmly placing them off and praising them as if it was their idea. Dog learn quickly that if they don't comply in the time you want them to, they will be "off" anyway.

This command can be used with a gesture, such as a pointing finger or hand motion, so that eventually you would not even have to say the command. Always praise the dog after they obey a command, and never ever punish a dog for doing its job. They love to learn, work, and make you happy. That is all they want to do in life.

So by using the "off" command you can stop bad habits before they start, jumping on people, humping, or get on the furniture. Teaching this command can be a very valuable lesson and save you a lot of heartache in the future.

I know this post is late and there has been a lack in postings, but when the business is booming it leaves little time for writing. I hope your training is going well and your person to pet relationship is becoming a happy and healthy one.


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