Monday, March 11, 2013

Spot Light Breed

First I want to apologize for the delay in the blogs, I am happy to say though that it is due to the fact I have been very busy with work. I usually have a slow start to the year and have some down time but not this year which is good news for the business. So I have been busy and not gotten to the blog. 

With that out of the way I would like to share with you a breed that one of my clients has. They are Keeshond. I had never heard of such a breed until I met my client and her dogs. All 10 of them. They are so awesome and a great breed. I have some info about them to share with you. 

The Keeshond (pron.: /ˈkz.hɒnd/ kayz-hond; plural: Keeshonden

A medium-sized, sturdy dog, the Keeshond possesses the characteristics of other Northern breeds - a fox-like expression, stand-off coat and richly plumed tail carried over the back. His coloring is a mixture of gray, black and cream, with variations from light to dark and distinctive "spectacles" - markings and shadings in the eye area, including a delicate, dark line slanting from eye to ear and expressive eyebrows. An affectionate, good-natured companion, the Keeshond is outgoing and friendly with people and dogs, following the lead of their owners when welcoming strangers. The breed learns quickly and is energetic, requiring daily exercise.
Basically unchanged over the past two centuries, the Keeshond descended from the same arctic strains as the Samoyed, Chow Chow, Norwegian Elkhound, Finnish Spitz and Pomeranian. The Kees was originally served as a watchdog on riverboats, barges and farms. Especially popular in Holland in the late 1700's, the breed also became a symbol of the Dutch Patriot political party and its leader Kees de Gyselaer, who owned a dog named Kees and gave the breed its name. When the Patriots were defeated, the Keeshond became rare in Holland until it was revived a century later, when it also began appearing in England and America.
Here are some of my clients dogs, they are very energetic and not easy to get pictures of. I love this dogs and love to care for them, they are very entertaining and so happy and when they smile it just makes you feel all warm and happy too. 

I hope you enjoyed this view into this incredible breed. I have enjoyed learning so much about them. 

Another View from a Dog Walker


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