Monday, April 7, 2014

"Sadie the Diva"

This is Sadie, she is a Dachshund as you can tell. She is a mini and very much a diva. She is an only pup and loves it that way. She has been with her mommy since she was a princess in training. She is a beautiful color of blue/gray and shimmers in the sun. She loves her pretty collars and coats. I was called when Sadie started shredding her toys and anything else she could get a hold of when mom was at work. Her mom has a job that requires her to work long hours sometime and that did not sit well with this little girl. So I started walking and playing with Sadie when her mom had to work late. Then I started caring for her when mom went out of town. Her mom tells everyone and even introduces me as Sadie's Nanny.
I love get Sadie kisses, she does not lick you but gets as close as she can with her little nose. She gets so excited and wiggles all over. Sadie loves to cuddle and get belly rubs. She also likes to hid in blankets. One trip I nearly panicked when I went in and Sadie was not in her usual place on the couch. I searched the house and was about to call her mom when I seen the blanket move on the couch. It was wrapped up like a burrito and Sadie's little nose was barely sticking out. I started talking to her and she wiggled her way right out of the burrito. It was so cute.
She likes to let her mom know when she is not happy, she will drag out moms shoes to play with. She has lots of toys that she likes to play with. She even takes them to her water bowl in case they want to get a drink.
Sadie loves to take walks and the longer the better. She has her spots that she must sniff. That is the ground hunter in her. We will walk around her neighborhood and say hi to everyone that we meet. She is known to everyone and everyone wants to get some Sadie Love. She has boyfriends across from her and loves to play with them, they are Dachshunds too. Long haired beauties they are.
I love to spend time with Sadie, and I could stay with her all day if my scheduled would allow for it.

I hope you have enjoyed this View of a Dog Walker!


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