Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Ross Clan

I would like to introduce you to Itsy, she is part of the Ross clan, a wonderful family that I get to work for, and care for all their critters. Itsy is a smart, energetic little dog who knows how to dance. I love spending time with her. She will dance and do tricks for her treats, getting pictures of her though is a task for she never sits still for very long.

She shares her home with 6 kitty siblings, who have a wonderful environment in an upstairs cat utopia. Lots of climbing, hiding, and playing go on with all these kitties. I try to lay eyes on each kitty, but sometimes they just do not want to come out. I know they are there watching me though. Snarfy the himalayan will peer out at me from his hiding spot and watch every step I take.

Then there is Willow the bird, who speaks many words, barks like a dog, and meows like a cat. I love, love this bird. I may sound crazy, but I go around talking to Willow while caring for the others.

Outside the home we have the goats, all friendly and loves to be petted. The each have their own personality and will show you while you are spending time there feeding them and petting them.

I love to care for all these critters and spending time at the Ross home with them all.

I hope you have enjoyed this View of a Dog Walker.


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