Monday, January 28, 2013

Sheba's Sunrise

This is Sheba's view of a gorgeous  sunrise. Sheba lives in a wonderful neighborhood off the Erin Hwy. She is a beautiful solid white husky. She is an amazing, smart, and wonderful dog. And her owners love her greatly. I am very pleased that the put her in my care. She loves to play and play. She likes to tug and chase balls. And her intelligence astounds me. She likes her routines and loves her peoples. Sheba is new to my clientele but she won me over at first sight. Her mom and dad give her a wonderful home and care for her like a child, as all of my clients do. I feel honored to care for peoples fur kids and I love my job. It is extremely rewarding. So I hope you enjoy this sunrise and this View of a Dog Walker. 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Preachers view.

This view is close to home. From here I can see all of the area I live in and reminds me not to take it for granted. In the spring the mountains are all lush and green and the smell is fresh and sweet. In the fall the vibrant colors or the changing leaves leaves one in awe of mother natures work. I have seen sunrises and sunsets from here and each time it makes me smile. I also look forward to working here and taking care and walking Jackson their German Shepard. The wind can really whip and roar here but the sun always shine on this home. I like to stand in the front drive and watch my surroundings listening to the birds and the other animals that you can hear for miles it seems. I hope you enjoy this View of  a Dog Walker. 


Friday, January 18, 2013

The Waddell Kids

I want to share the Waddell kids with you all, these precious puppies have a wonderful set up for when I take care of them. Their parents give them a wonderful loving and caring home. They are so fun to play with and care for. 

Nala is the boxer and she is the newest addition she is still a puppy and has an overdrive of energy. She makes it very hard to get a picture of her to send to her mom. But she is so cute and loving when she does settle down and lets you pet her, that she makes up for it. 

Jackson is the male German Shepard, and he is so funny when he chases hay, leaves, and well just about anything that he find to chase. He loves his treats too. 

Sadie is the female German Shepard and she is the most laid back of the three. She is also a bit camera shy. 

I so love taking care of them and look forward to it each and every time I get to. They live in a gorgeous area with awesome shade trees. The doggies have their very own house/shed and its so cute to see them all on the front porch together. I will have to get more pictures of them to share. Just wanted to share some of my work family. I hope that you enjoy this Views of a Dog Walker. 





Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Views Jan 16th

Just wanted to share a a few thoughts and a cool project I found online today. First this month is one of my slow months and it gives me more time to work on different projects and I will share those with you.

As I was walking Yoda and Lucy today well not really walking they run out and tinkle and run back in when it is pouring like it has been. I was thinking if we could train dogs to wipe their paws would it not be awesome.  I wipe these two down when they get wet muddy paws for their mama so she does not have to clean dirty floors when she gets home. So what would make a good rug for dogs to wipe their paws on?  A terry cloth towel attached to something heavy? I regular door mat? What about a patch of artificial grass? What are some of the ways you you keep your doggies paws clean?

I was cruising around on Facebook and came across this. It is a wonderful idea, just imagine what all designs you would have.

I hope this inspires you and makes you think of other things to make by recycling clothes. I have made chew toys from cut up jeans. This idea is so easy and simple, anyone could do it.

So here is just a few thoughts and Views from a Dog Walker.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

CeCe's View

This is one of my favorite places to work, they are new clients to me. Their dog CeCe enjoys a wonderful home with a gorgeous view. This is in the Chuckey community and with the views of the mountain one could sit on their front porch for hours and just gaze at them. I got to walk CeCe all over this neighborhood and she is so fun to be with.  It is another amazing place that I had never been to, that took my breath away while there. I so hope to get to work for them again. They are wonderful people with a most awesome dog.

 This is CeCe, the amazing. She gets great pleasure from long walks and playing fetch. She has a wonderful heart and gives such love that it is truly a gift to care for her. 

So here is another View of a Dog Walker. 


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tiki & Tasha

I have been caring for Tiki & Tasha this week. The are they cutest Pomeranian's I have every seen. Little bits of love. The are fuzzy, funny little girls and I love them. I have cared for them many times and each time I have so much fun. They love their treats and beg for them on their hind legs dancing around. I love to cuddle them up and get kisses from them. Tasha likes her belly rubs and Tiki likes to be held and snuggled.

I think they look like little bears. It amazes me how much energy comes in small packages, and how light weight they are. They have wonderful parents that love them very much and they are very giving to their little girls. I look forward to caring for them each and every time I get to.


Monday, January 7, 2013

The Queens View

Today I want to share some pictures that I took while working. I get to travel all over the county and get to see amazing things about where I live. It has amazed me that I have lived here all my life and they are areas of the county I have never been too. Or that I have drove by places and not paid any attention to where I was or what I was seeing. I have started to look at my surroundings and I want to share those surroundings.

This is taken not far from where I live. This is in the St. James community and that is Viking Mountain in the back there. It so beautiful and I love the mountains. We have traveled to Viking many times this past summer and the view is supreme. But to be able to see if from here and know that is where you was, well that is pretty cool too. I get to see this 4 days a week while I walk a very sweet beagle princess. I follow Queenie around her yard and enjoy this view and it gives me such a sense of peace. I wish everyone could see it and feel it.

So here is Queenie on her throne her favorite place besides the bed. She loves her treats and has some of the greatest parents I have ever had the pleasure to meet and to be able to call friends. I am honored to walk their baby girl as she is their beloved dog child. Queenie has a wonderful home and gets to see this view everyday. She is a bit spoiled but she deserves it.

So I hope you enjoy this View of a Dog Walker and take the time to enjoy those views around you.



Friday, January 4, 2013

Lucy Yoda and Jake

Today I seen Lucy and Yoda, I actually get to see them 5 days a week, once a day. But today they seemed so very excited so excited that it was hard for me to get good pictures of them. But this is them. They are some of the funniest dogs that I care for. And there best friend Jake, an African Gray Parrot, keeps the company and is always so fun to talk to. I will have to get a picture of Jake he has a large vocabulary and keeps me on my toes while I am there. If I do not pay him as much attention as the doggies he will let me know about it. He loves to get an extra treat. I love to play with Yo and Lucy outside they will run and run and run. Yoda can get a little distracted but he makes up for it in kisses. Lucy is a little more laid back she likes to play but loves to laze around too. They are very good about letting me wipe their paws before we go back in. Yoda would rather play than eat and he is funny when he gets a toy in his mouth and tries to bark. I tell him " don't bark with your mouth full" he just looks at me funny and begs for me to throw the toy. I love to spend time with them and enjoy them so much.

 I also started caring for Tiki and Tasha today I will have pictures of them in a later post. I also will start posting pictures of scenery and other things that I snap while out dog walking and enjoying the world, I am going to rename the blog "Views of a Dog Walker" as I will be also giving advice and tips to pet owners.

Thanks for letting me share today.


Thursday 1-3-2013

This is Sadie, she is a Dachshund and she is a DIVA. I think of her as a princess though. She loves to chew stuffies, and her treats. She likes to walk and sniff, sniff and walk, she leaves in a great neighborhood where everyone knows her name and loves her. She likes to borrow in her blanket and looks like a burrito when I go to walk her. She has lots of sweaters she likes to wear. Her mommy calls me Sadie's Nanny and even introduces me that way. She is funny and loves to give kisses and cuddle. I really enjoy taking care of Sadie and look forward to each time I do.

Today I got to see Rock an American Bulldog and Lil Britches a Rat Fie st Terrier. Lil Britches is just know getting used to me but has really come a long way in letting me leash him and walk him and even pet him. Rock is an awesome dog he is in his elder years and does not like to get out much but today he gave it a big try and walked around the yard with Lil Britches and me. I also got to see Queenie a Beagle mix she loves to snuggle on the couch so much that I have to really encourage her to go tinkle. But we had a good day. I get to see Tasha and Tiki starting tomorrow a pair of adorable Pomerania's. And I get to care for some wonderful cats that have an awesome view. I will have to take some pictures from there to post. Until then give your pets an extra hug tonight.

Susan Gregg

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have been inspired by a good friend and former client that has her own blog, to start one of mine. I would like to share stories and pictures from my Kritter Care Pet Services. I started this business 4 years ago and I love my job. I get to care for wonderful animals and also keep a schedule that allows me to be home and to be able to spend time with my family. I love each pet that care for and treat them as mine own. I would like to share that with you all. To start out with I would like to share some pictures of the pets I take care. I will not use last names to keep my clients privacy. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you all.

Susan Gregg

This is Taz and Gizmo some of my very first clients, and I have cared for them for 4 years. I love these boys and they are great to care for. They are Lhasa Apso's and very friendly and funny.